Alone with You

Plot Summary:
Almost exclusively, one-setting horror/thrillers are precious gems that do a whole lot with very little. When youu0026#39;re immersed in piecing together the puzzle and figuring out who the main character is, a film that falls under this category is dynamite. Charlie (Emily Bennett) is setting the atmosphere in her sleek, two-story apartment in Brooklyn for a romantic homecoming for her distant girlfriend Simone (Emma Myles) whou0026#39;s been away for work. There are past glimpses of visual tension between the two, so weu0026#39;re led to feel that this meticulous setting of mood may be a peacemaking gesture. Enamored beyond all good sense, Charlie begins to experience a myriad of unsettling incidents (an unstable voice from a vent, shadows that appear, eerie WiFi disruptions), and the horrors of what has transpired are slowly revealed in the shards of Charlieu0026#39;s resistant memory. They delightfully manifest in all those horror trope faves, yet still feel like a ripe pick off the branch. Co-writers and co-directors Emily Bennett and Justin Brooks work in the classic camp of the claustrophobic psychological thriller, making good use of NYCu0026#39;s even more tight feel during quarantine.
Director: Emily Bennett, Justin Brooks
Running time: Not Available
Genre: Horror,Thriller
Release date: September 27, 2021 (United States)