Rating: 5.4/3300
Plot Summary:
"Bent" follows Danny Gallagher (Karl Urban), a discredited narcotics detective who, upon his release from prison, makes plans to seek revenge on the accuser who framed him and killed his partner. Through his quest, Gallagher is forced to confront a ruthless, seductive government agent (Sofia Vergara), who may or may not be on his side; and his mentor (Andy Garcia), a retired cop who's fought corruption his entire career.
Director: Bobby Moresco
Running time: 1h 36min
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Release date: 9 March 2018 (USA)
Cast: Andy Garcia, Karl Urban, Sofía Vergara, Grace Byers, John Finn, Vincent Spano, Trai Byers, Tonya Cornelisse, Isabel Serrano, Patrick Brennan, Matthew T. Reynolds, Marco Pancrazi, Charlotte Bradley, Jayden Lund