Best Summer Ever 2021

Best Summer Ever 2021 - Full (HD)

Best Summer Ever

Plot Summary:

Sage and Anthony have had the "Best Summer Ever" after falling in love at a dance camp in Vermont. Not expecting to see each other again until the following summer, Sage, by a twist of fate, arrives unexpectedly at the same high school as Anthony. Now faced with the drama of high school cliques, an evil cheerleader, and the illegal secret that keeps Sage's family on the move, they are forced to reevaluate their relationship as Tony struggles to be both the high school football star and the dancer he's always wanted to be.
Director: Michael Parks Randa, Lauren Smitelli
Running time: 1h 12min
Genre: Musical
Release date: 27 April 2021 (USA)
Cast: Shannon DeVido, Rickey Alexander Wilson, MuMu, Jacob Waltuck, Emily Kranking, Ajani A.J. Murray