Cult Following 2021

Cult Following - IMDb  - Full (HD)

Cult Following – IMDb

Plot Summary:

Rob Regis, a published author and expert on everything cult-related, for years has been trying to prove the existence of the most sought after, a legendary cult in the world called the Abaddon Disciples. Little to no information is known about them, as they are thought to be folklore, similar to the Big Foot or Loch Ness Monster of the cult world – until now. After fifteen years of searching and attempting to gather intel, Rob has finally obtained a couple of clues to help discover their potential existence. He hires Tyler Sternberg, a recent film school graduate and wannabe-cinematographer, to document Rob on his journey as he pursues uncovering the secret cult. As they both go down the rabbit hole and follow the trail of evidence, they discover the truth about the cult's supernatural ability and dark magic lore, which results to endangering their lives by not just the cult who wants to keep their existence a secret, but the demon himself, Abaddon, who the cult worships and literally…
Director: Matt Hartley
Running time: Not Available
Genre: Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Thriller
Release date:
Cast: Jeannie Elise Mai, Dina Cataldi, Garrett Marchbank, Clem Darling, Kaitlin Cornell Krusoe,