Faust the Necromancer 2020

Faust the Necromancer 2020 - Full (HD)

Faust the Necromancer

Plot Summary:

Faust, a jaded medical student, seeks to make his mark on this world through his research into the dark arts. Despite the insistence of his girlfriend, Gretchen, Faust blindly pursues his ambition, unconcerned with the cost. He makes a pact with Mephistopheles, the human manifestation of evil, and sells his soul to him "in order to make the world a better place."
Director: Varun Giridhar
Running time: Not Available
Genre: Comedy,Drama
Release date: 14 May 2020 (USA)
Cast: Terrance Willis, Freddie Webster III, Amy L Levin, Christopher Carpenter, Tera Chantelle, Cain Adkins