The Son of Joseph 2016

The Son of Joseph 2016 - Full (HD)

The Son of Joseph
  Rating: 6.6/603

Plot Summary:

A discontented Parisian teenager in search of a father with (Mathieu Amalric) and (Fabrizio Rongione) as his, respectively, callous and gentle alternative paternal options, and (Natacha Régnier) as his single mother.
Director: Eugène Green
Running time: 1h 53min
Release date: 20 April 2016 (France)
Cast: Victor Ezenfis, Natacha Régnier, Fabrizio Rongione, Mathieu Amalric, Maria de Medeiros, Julia Gros de Gasquet, Jacques Bonnaffé, Christelle Prot, Adrien Michaux, Louise Moaty, Claire Lefilliâtre, Vincent Dumestre, Tom Gaspar, Oleg Ossina